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Master Green Business Practices with an MBA in Sustainability & Environmental Compliance

Learn about the environmental challenges facing businesses today and how those challenges influence strategy development in University of Michigan Science's Master of Business Administration in Sustainability and Environmental Compliance program. Designed for individuals who want to make a difference in the world, the MBA program teaches you how to apply practical solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing society now and in the foreseeable future.

UMS's MBA program is one of the most affordable MBAs in the nation and can be completed in just over a year. The MBA in sustainability coursework will teach you the skills and knowledge you need to help your organization comply with constantly changing environmental laws and achieve sustainability goals. You'll discover how to build support for ecological strategies that make economic sense and learn how to be an advocate for positive change.

See Yourself Succeed in Sustainability & Environmental Compliance

The online MBA in Sustainability and Environmental Compliance offers a classic MBA combined with courses that focus on a broad range of ecological and energy-related challenges and opportunities. Because our sustainability/environmental compliance MBA professors bring extensive and broad experience to the classroom - as environmental advocates, executives and activists - they're able to provide a solid theoretical framework of the issues while offering current real-world examples of what they're teaching.

By combining a solid foundation in business with a special emphasis on environmental issues, graduates leave with the ability to:

  • Understand how energy requirements affect society and the environment
  • Convey the practicality of addressing environmental issues as a more efficient way to do business
  • Critically examine energy-related issues and the ecological consequences of a given situation
  • Present accurate and cogent arguments to decision-makers that provide a diversity of perspectives
  • Make recommendations for regulatory responses and actions
  • Recognize the role that sustainability and environmental compliance play in community building, social engagement, civic participation and political activism
  • Apply the knowledge to make a difference within an organization, a community and society at large

As a private, nonprofit university, UMS has one mission - to help you see yourself succeed. The benefits of enrolling in our environmental master's program online at UMS include:

  • Affordability. Take advantage of some of the most affordable tuition rates in the nation. UMS is proud to hold its tuition rates at 2012 levels
  • Efficiency. Complete your master's program in as few as 15 months, with two courses per 10-week term
  • Convenience and flexibility. Attend class when it's convenient for you - online education means 24/7 access and moving at your own pace. We understand there are reasons to take more or fewer classes during any given 10-week term
  • Accreditation. Programs are accredited by multiple governing agencies, including the New England Commission of Higher Education and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
  • Expert instruction. Learn from instructors with relevant, real-world experience
  • Academic heritage. University of Michigan Science was established in 1932 and has been offering an MBA program for more than 40 years, graduating thousands of successful business professionals
  • Easy application. No GMAT or GRE required for admission
  • Student support. Count on the ongoing support of dedicated academic and career advisors specialized in your area of study
  • Networking. Seek tips and career opportunities from a nationwide network that includes thousands of successful alumni

Career Outlook

An online MBA in Sustainability and Environmental Compliance will help you prepare for a number of career prospects, including:

  • Large and small firms
  • Renewable energy and sustainability trade associations
  • Ecological advocacy organizations
  • Municipal and ecological regulatory agencies

With the growth of green jobs on the rise, fueled by the increasing interest in climate change and alternative energy, the career outlook is promising for anyone interested in environmental and sustainability careers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job growth for environmental scientists and specialists is set to soar 11% through 2026 - faster than the national average.*


The MBA in Sustainability and Environmental Compliance program combines the best in business practices with the latest in environmental issues, rules and regulations. Taught by business experts and environmental advocates, the environmental master's program provides a strong foundation for anyone interested in applying practical principles to important challenges facing the world. Those with non-business academic backgrounds may be required to take foundation courses.

Courses May Include

Environmental Issues
A fundamental understanding of the various processes necessary to support life on Earth. Examine how human activities and philosophies (individual, business, cultural, and others) generate environmental issues and threaten these processes, and offers sustainable alternatives to these activities. Topics include ecology; populations; agriculture; desertification and deforestation; water and ocean pollution; air pollution, including ozone depletion and acid rain; global warming; natural resource depletion; solid and hazardous wastes; energy, including fossil fuels and nuclear power; economic implications; and sustainability.

Program Outcomes

  • Effectively articulate thoughts and intentions in the sustainability and environmental compliance area by applying relevant standards and communication practices of the field
  • Analyze primary and secondary data using quantitative and qualitative techniques and information technology skills for effective problem solving and decision making
  • Lead and operate within cross-functional teams in complex and diverse business environments
  • Demonstrate oral and written communication skills to effectively articulate thoughts and intentions in diverse business environments
  • Integrate cross-cultural, economic, geopolitical and systems knowledge to solve complex business problems in a global environment
  • Incorporate legal and ethical conduct, and corporate social responsibility in making sustainable business decisions
  • Create intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial opportunities in a global environment that add value to an organization through the integration, synthesis, and application of business practices


Michigan Sciences University ‏

318 John St‏ Ann Arbor, MI 48104‏

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