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Online Degree Programs FAQ

Let’s face it: life gets busy.

Sometimes it feels like your schedule is controlling you, not the other way around.

At BSU University, we believe online education should adapt to your schedule. It’s education on your terms.

You determine the pace, and complete coursework anytime and anywhere there’s a web connection.

Through that web portal, a whole world can open up.

At Berkshire University, we combine advanced simulation software and web-based networking with good old-fashion personal attention to create a virtual learning environment that is both stimulating and engaging. No doubt, you have questions. So, here are the answers to some of the most common ones.

Is a degree earned online equivalent to one earned on campus?

Yes the curriculum, standards of learning, and requirements for graduation are exactly the same. The fact is that online degree programs differ from traditional programs in one respect only; the method of delivery. With modern simulation software and a wide variety of forums, social media, chat, and text options, online students are now able to interact with faculty members and students to a degree that was previously not possible. You can learn from highly-respected faculty members who provide the same level of academic rigor and assessment found in most any traditional classroom environment.



Michigan Sciences University ‏

318 John St‏ Ann Arbor, MI 48104‏

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