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Corporate training. Customised to suit your needs.

Imagine training that is relevant to your real world experiences and challenges.

A program that lets you drive the ideas and gives you the ability to contribute to the skill base of your teams.

We can work with you to provide a fully customised corporate learning solution to address your staffs' requirements.

We offer specially designed learning solutions focused on addressing your organisation’s key challenges.

We understand that each organisation is unique and we work in partnership with you to deliver solutions to your particular needs. We can tailor existing courses or develop a fully-customised corporate program to include:

  • Identifying critical organisational issues
  • Conducting a comprehensive training needs analysis
  • Clarifying key learning outcomes
  • Developing a training program in consultation with key stakeholders
  • Conducting a pilot program
  • Program evaluation and follow-up

Our corporate programs and courses are designed according to adult learning principles, structured to meet the needs of different learning styles and incorporate practical exercises and group work where appropriate to ensure effective learning transfer. Case studies and examples drawn from your organisation or industry sector can be incorporated to ensure maximum relevance of course content, and to facilitate the immediate application of the knowledge and skills gained in your workplace.


Benefits to you


  • Cost savings – For groups of 10 or more participants it’s an extremely cost-effective and time-efficient way of developing your staff.
  • Convenience – We can present our courses at your premises, our CBD venue or an alternative location at a time of your choosing.
  • Relevance – Off-the-shelf content can be tailored to suit your organisation. Your staff will benefit from both your and our individual attention.
  • Discretion – if you or your staff have a confidential issue or project to work through, it can sometimes be difficult to discuss these in a public forum. An in-house course offers the opportunity to develop your staff with discretion.
  • Quality – you’ll experience the same quality of content and presenter you’ve come to expect from our public courses.
  • Follow up – we provide a report on participants' feedback ensuring you have a record of the success of the event.

Cost-effective customised corporate courses


Courses offered on our public program can be adapted to meet your organisation’s specific needs and delivered on your premises or at a location to suit you. We currently offer a number of courses, which can be presented in a similar format to the public course, or we can combine and adapt elements from different courses.


Our presenters


We expect and deliver an extremely high standard of teaching. All our presenters have high level qualifications in their areas of expertise and extensive teaching experience. We engage academics, practitioners and consultants to ensure a wide range of approaches.


Fees and charges


Course fees vary depending on the number of participants, student materials and cost of presenter.




Content can be customised to suit your organisation. This may include placing more or less emphasis on particular topics, changing the order of sessions, or substituting/including relevant case studies or examples provided by you. Please contact us for further information.




We can deliver the course at your premises, however if this is not convenient we can arrange a booking at our preferred CBD venue or a location of your choice for an additional fee.



All participants receive comprehensive course notes and a certificate of attendance.



Michigan Sciences University ‏

318 John St‏ Ann Arbor, MI 48104‏

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